Friday, November 24, 2006


How can a nasty little germ cause so much suffering?
That's right I'm suffering from man flu. Not really - just a very bad cold. Aching limbs and joints, running nose, sore throat, cold sores, painfull chest, you name it I got it.
Being so work concious/stupid I even came in to the office (although I regret this now and wished I had stayed in bed) which has just served to make this the longest day in history.
It doesn't help when it's raining outside, pitch black and I have to spend an hour to an hour and a half in slow moving traffic to get home.....humpfh!
Can't wait to get home to cuddle up in a ball on the sofa and down a can of Heinz's cream of mushroom soup before climbing into my bed for an early night (yeah right!).


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